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How to register on Hibobi?

There are three ways to register on Hibobi.
1.You can register with your Mobile Phone Number
2. You can register with your valid email
3. You can log in Hibobi with your Facebook, Twitter or Google account directly.

How to reset password if forgot?

1.If you registered via email/mobile number, please click "Forgot Password" to reset your password.;
2. If you use the third party platform (Facebook, Google or Twitter) account, you can reset the password in the third party platform directly, and then use the new password to log in.

How to change the language?

Please go to the account page. You will see “Country & Language” to set it.

What should I do if I want to change my registered account (Email/Phone number)?

Register by Email:
Please modify your registered email in your Account, which is located in Account Setting--Email. After entering your correct email, you will get an email from Hibobi with verification code. Please enter the code, then the email will be changed successfully.
All emails from Hibobi will be sent to your new email.
Register by Phone number:
The process is same as Registered by Email.

How to change my Hibobi account password?

1.Go to “Account”, find your binding email/phone number with Hibobi, and reset your password in the Login page, then use the binding email/phone number with the new reset password to log in.
2.For the third party platform (Google, Facebook or Twitter) account.
3.If you have changed the account password in the third party platform, please use the new password to log in.